Ramblings of a 30 something, navigating her way through this crazy world.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

So, I have on pants today...

Which for me, is a huge thing. Actually it's the outfit that I was planning on Sunday Night which spurred the entire thought of doing this blog.

I hate wearing pants. Plain and Simple. I've always hated pants, even when I was skinnier. It's not about being overweight, but that doesn't help the hatred of pants. I always feel like an extra in the Lollipop Guild. I'm already short, and not very proportionate. Dresses and skirts help to create the illusion of a longer body to me, and pants just make it harder to feel good about myself, and make the most of my plump body :)

Dresses are fun and feminine and easy just to throw on. Pants, you have to pick the shoes, the shirt, the jacket. In addition to picking the outfit out...I have to be able to find all the pieces in the wake of Tornado Ashley in my bedroom! Will the outfit look like it did in my head or will it be a total disaster? No one knows?! That's too much for my non-morning person brain to take in at 6:30 am!

I'll probably have nightmares tonight about pants attacking me or boycotting me because I blogged about hating them...

That's all for now. Off to make an invitation for Christmas in October, an event which will surely not help the fat no more campaign!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays....

Always get me down! Yesterday was horrible! I left my umbrella at work over the weekend, but had a back up in my car, which broke as soon as I opened it! What a way to start the day. I was drenched by the time I got to work! Plus, I was running late, and had no breakfast. Not a good idea for my first day of re-launching Fat No More. Needless to say, by the time lunch rolled around, I was famished! And Moe's was catered in...disaster!

I did rebound last night though. I had dinner with a customer that was in town, which is usually not a great mix for eating right! We go to nice restaurants and it's not coming out of my pocket! I only had half of my meal and brought the rest for lunch today. So, I rebounded a bit...that is until breakfast...a pumpkin sugar cookie....grrr...those things should be banned!

That's all for now...hopefully and update soon on the background of fat no more!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Here goes Nothin'!

First attempt at posting on my first ever blog! Okay...so here goes nothin'.

Last night, in preparing for a new work week, I was trying to be proactive and lay out my clothes for the next day. I'm standing in my walk-in closet, and NOTHING! The pants I wanted to wear were too tight! Shocker! Story of my life! So once I decided on one of my 57 dresses (I'm not kidding, at least 57 dresses in my closet, probably more!) I attempted to fall asleep and had the brilliant idea to blog about my 9000th attempt at losing weight. I have no expectations of this blog, and I'm not really sure if anyone will ever read it, but at least it will be a place where I can be accountable to myself and hopefully some followers as well!

Start Pictures of Fat No More Campaign coming soon!

happy rainy Monday!